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Invest through asset investments.

LGC Legal Gray Capital

Since our foundation in the year 2019, our customers have been delighted. We have a team with over 45 years of sales experience in almost all areas of finance. We enable start-ups to achieve the success they deserve.

Networked throughout Germany

The private equity market

Market volume 2020

€12.6 billion


1.9 billion €


€2.39 billion

Opportunities & risks

We are specialists in selling assets  according to the Asset Investments Act.

With investments, you can participate in the economic success of a company. This allows you to generate higher returns than usual on the market. However, you must be willing to make a long-term commitment and be aware that the risk is high.


profit participation rights

Participation in the success of a company. If the company makes a profit, you share in the success - the same applies to a loss.


Patriarchal Loans

You invest in a company and  receive a profit or revenue share


subordinated loan

With a subordinated loan, you bear significantly more risk, but this risk is rewarded accordingly.


and many more

We would be happy to advise you on our entire service portfolio in a free initial consultation.


Then get in touch with us

Our range of services

arrange an appointment for consultation

We would be happy to help you build wealth with investments.

Are you interested in investments?

Thanks very much!

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